Today you will meet again with your writing group. I hope you found some time to make some progress on your draft.
Yesterday we went to the assembly about classes for next year. You need to get that orange card signed by a parent and also show it to your math teacher before you return it to me on FRIDAY. Remember to list your electives as 1, 2 and 3. X's won't tell the counselor which class you really want and if you only make one elective choice you may not get it. The counselors are saying there will be no elective changes in the fall so pick your choices carefully.
I learned some interesting things yesterday, (ok some of them I knew). Here are a few you need to remember.
- You must have a 2.0 to graduate. Not a 2.0 your senior year, but a 2.0 for ALL of high school. That means if you got bad grades as a freshman or sophomore you need to get good grades now.
- For the UC and CSU schools a D is the same as an F. You have to retake that class to change the grade if it is a class you need for a college requirement.
- You need 45 hours of community service to graduate. Start working on that if you haven't already.
- Take the SAT now if you need an SAT score for the college you want to go to. (I give you extra credit for taking the SAT. Show me your admission ticket or your scores.)
- American Lit is a graduation requirement. You have to pass this class.
- Scholarships are available for juniors now on Naviance. See Mrs. Eurich for more info on that.
- AP classes are a great way to save time and money in college. Students who take AP classes in high school learn skills that help them do better in college.
- Graduating is cool.